
Showing 1-9 of 35 results


How to Avoid 5 Types of Cognitive Bias in User Research

Cognitive biases can skew user research, leading to design changes that don’t address your customers’ real needs. Build digital products that users will love by mitigating these common biases.

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Rima Khachatryan

Rima Khachatryan

AI in Design: Experts Discuss Practical Applications, Ethics, and What’s Coming 下一个

In this wide-ranging Q&A, two Toptal designers delve into the influence of generative AI on design and its implications for creative thinking, user research, and entry-level designers.

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Darrell Estabrook

Darrell Estabrook

Pragmatic Pixel Perfection: A Manifesto for Balancing Design Quality and Speed

Product teams face a dilemma: Achieving pixel-perfect design requires significant time and resources, but rushing to launch can result in mediocre products. This UI guide explains how to design excellent products while balancing quality and speed.

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Damir Kotorić

Damir Kotorić

为什么 Design Teams Need Psychological Safety

What is psychological safety, and why do your designers need it? Digital designer Alejandro Velasco explains how to create a workplace environment that increases creativity, productivity, and talent retention.

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Alejandro Velasco

Alejandro Velasco

5 Signs Your Product Strategy Is Broken—and How Designers Can Help Fix It

A good product strategy aligns team efforts, cuts costs, and encourages long-lasting conflict resolution. Three Toptal product design experts discuss how product strategies get derailed and what designers can do to help get things back on track.

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Christian Adolphus

Christian Adolphus

The Allure and Impact of Minimalist UX Design

Minimalism is a prevalent design approach, but putting its principles into practice is challenging. Follow these minimalist UX design strategies to build frictionless digital products that help users reach their goals.

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Ravi Talajiya

Ravi Talajiya

For Your Health: 5 Tips and Strategies for Wellness Branding

The health and wellness industry is booming, creating opportunity—and a competitive market. Wellness businesses can apply these branding best practices to stand out and connect with customers.

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Pilar Rios Niño

Pilar Rios Niño

Designing GitHub’s Octoverse: A Data Visualization Case Study

Designer Gemma Busquets shares how she created a responsive website and 20+ engaging charts and graphs for the software development platform’s annual report.

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Gemma Busquets

Gemma Busquets

Medical Billing Reimagined: A UI/UX Case Study

Toptal designer Beatriz Garcia de Prado explains how she built a digital product to replace the outdated paper forms doctors were sending to insurance companies.

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Beatriz Garcia de Prado

Beatriz Garcia de Prado

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